Golden Age Commissions Art from Bill Henson for Melbourne Apartments

Golden Age Commissions Art from Bill Henson for Melbourne Apartments

Golden Age has commissioned a series of works from Henson, who has a celebrated reputation for his brooding, moody and, in the view of some, occasionally shocking photographs.

The work will have a permanent home in the lobby of the upmarket apartment tower that Golden Age is developing on Spring Street, in the Melbourne CBD overlooking state parliament.

Henson accepts commissions only rarely, he told The Australian Financial Review.

“If I don’t have an idea that I think is potentially really interesting then I tend to decline almost everything I’m asked to do.”

A series of moving pictures, time-based photography that incorporates a sense of changing seasons, weather, and fluctuating light, inspired partly by nearby parkland will grace the lobby of 85 Spring Street.

All that will be brought into “a conversation” with the built environment, Henson said. “My idea was to introduce a sense of the passage of time. What I was dreaming might be possible technically and physically did seem to appeal to them. That’s a very fortunate accident.”

Mr Xu’s bid for high art on Spring Street, just around the corner from the Paris end of Collins Street, is a neat piece of product differentiation from other high-rise apartment tower at other locations in the city.